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Savor Summer’s Bounty
Summer’s harvest is here, and with it comes an abundance of delicious fruits and vegetables. But what happens when your garden overflows or the farmers market bounty is just too tempting to resist? In this episode, we’ll share a variety of summer food hacks to help you enjoy the season’s best flavors all year long.
In this summer time episode, we are chatting about:
- Preserving Techniques: We’ll delve into the age-old art of preserving food, drawing inspiration from Lisa’s family traditions and exploring modern methods. Discover how to freeze, dehydrate, and vacuum seal your summer produce, ensuring you enjoy its peak freshness for months to come.
- From Ancestors to Apps: Whether you’re a seasoned canner or a curious beginner, we’ll share valuable tips and tricks for preserving your harvest. Explore modern tools from vacuum sealers to handy apps on your phone to streamline the process.
- Beyond the Basics: We’ll go beyond the simple “freeze the veggies” approach. Discover creative ways to utilize your summer bounty, from dehydrating herbs for year-round flavor to creating delicious fruit leathers for a healthy snack.
Grab your gardening gloves and get ready to transform summer’s bounty into delicious possibilities! Enjoy the season’s best flavors long after the last tomato is picked.

We talked all things related to preserving the garden’s harvest! Enjoy these helpful resources mentioned in this episode:
- Raised bed garden planter box
- How to grow garlic
- Chive blossom vinegar recipe
- FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer Machine
- FoodSaver jar sealing kit
- Homemade peanut butter recipe
- Brod & Taylor Sahara Folding Food Dehydrator
- The All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving
- Food in Jars
- 7 Piece Canning Supplies Starter Kit
- 8oz Jelly Jars with Lids and Bands
- National Center for Home Food Preservation
- Three Rivers Homestead
- Dehydrating at Home: Getting the Best from Your Dehydrator, from Fruit Leather to Meat Jerkies by Michelle Keogh
We show you how to document family recipes for future generations in our webinar Passing the Plate: Documenting Family Recipes for Future Generations. Plus, we’ll help you capture and preserve your family’s culinary heritage with our ebook Passing the Plate: Recipes That Tell Our Family Story.
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