21: Secret Sauce: The Quest for Memories

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Using Puzzles and Side Quests to Unlock Family History

Have you ever encountered a brick wall in your genealogy research, leaving you feeling lost and frustrated? In this episode of Passing the Plate, we take a unique approach to unraveling family mysteries, drawing inspiration from the world of puzzles and games.

Join us as we explore the power of problem-solving skills and side quests in genealogy research:

  • The Puzzle Analogy: Lisa, a self-proclaimed puzzle enthusiast, shares how the skills honed through jigsaw puzzles translate beautifully to genealogy research.
  • Embracing the Side Quest: Ashley introduces the concept of “side quests” in real life, exploring how seemingly irrelevant detours can lead to unexpected breakthroughs. Learn how a conversation about weddings led to a discovery about Mennonite history, ultimately unlocking a hidden recipe!
  • Uncovering Clues: We’ll discuss the importance of gathering multiple clues and following various leads, just like you would in a complex puzzle or engaging side quest.

By adopting a playful and resourceful approach, you can transform your genealogy research and kitchen explorations into an exciting adventure. Learn how to think outside the box, embrace the unexpected, and utilize your problem-solving skills to crack the code and unlock the fascinating stories hidden within your family history.

Cooked chicken covered with yellow sauce and sprinkled with paprika
Ashley’s Mennonite Chicken


Enjoy these helpful resources mentioned in this episode:

We show you how to document family recipes for future generations in our webinar Passing the Plate: Documenting Family Recipes for Future Generations. Plus, we’ll help you capture and preserve your family’s culinary heritage with our ebook Passing the Plate: Recipes That Tell Our Family Story.


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